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We have created a new category of drug delivery of therapeutics for CNS-based diseases that potentially can shift the outcomes for patients around the globe.

Leveling the Playing Field

NeOnc’s formulations provide an ability to deliver therapeutics for CNS-based cancer that mitigate the issues inherent in current delivery methodologies.

Enhanced Delivery

Our technology provides three distinct delivery methodologies to provide a physician the options to ensure the therapeutics they prescribe provide the patient the highest potential for cure.

Providing A Solution

Brain-based cancers such as Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) continue to be one of the most difficult to treat and have the lowest survivability rates. NeOnc’s formulations are working to change those odds for everyone.

Enhanced Delivery

The foundation of NeOnc’s innovative discoveries lies in the ability to provide better delivery options for pharma-therapeutics to treat CNS-based diseases that enhance the efficacy of the drug to work more effectively.

Intranasal Delivery

allows a therapeutic to bypass the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) and travel directly to the brain through the olfactory or trigeminal nerves.


Intra-Arterial Delivery

allows a therapeutic to be delivered through a catheter placed in the artery that feeds a tumor bed. The NeOnc formulation allows the drug to move through the BBB and travel directly into the tumor.


Permeable Delivery

allows a NeOnc conjugated therapeutic to be delivered through IV. Because of the small lipophilic structure, the therapeutic is able to pass through the BBB and into the brain.



Crossing the Barrier

The biggest barrier to the better efficacy of pharma-based treatment of CNS cancers is not simply the need for better drugs, but rather, it is finding a better way to get therapeutics to where they need to go without compromising their ability to effect a cure. The biggest barrier to getting therapeutics to where they need to be, is an actual barrier, the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).

The BBB serves as a natural first-line defense for the brain that prevents large molecule agents like viruses and neurotoxins from entering the cerebral tissue and causing harm. That same barrier also limits and prevents beneficial agents such as chemotherapeutics from passing into the brain to get to a tumor site.

NeOnc has found a potential solution to this problem and is working to actively change the game when it comes to pharma-based CNS disease treatment.