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NEO100 Potentially Enables the Enhanced Delivery of Therapeutics to the Brain for the Treatment of CNS-based Diseases.

NEO100 comprises a patented composition of a proprietary synthesis of Perillyl Alcohol (POH) that our research suggests has several beneficial actions for Central Nervous System (CNS) based disease applications, including:

  • Acts as a regulator for neurologic pathways associated with tumor cell growth.
  • When delivered intranasally, its small molecular size can bypass the BBB.
  • When delivered intra-arterially, it can create a temporary opening in the BBB, allowing larger molecule therapeutics to pass through.
  • In high concentrations, it is an effective therapeutic for brain cancers.
  • In low concentrations, NEO100 is a solvent for traditional large-molecule therapeutics, allowing them to bypass the BBB.
  • It can be conjugated with other CNS therapeutics to create compound
    formulations capable of higher BBB penetration and with more significant effect on brain cancer.
What is POH?

Perillyl Alcohol (POH) is a naturally occurring substance found in the essential oils of plants, such as citrus. It is already FDA-approved as a flavoring food agent.

POH has been shown to have antitumor activity against various cancer types including gliomas. POH induces apoptosis in tumor cells without affecting normal cells and can revert tumor cells to a differentiated state. 


How does NEO100 work?

In the NEO100 Phase 1/2a trial, NEO100 has been shown to potentially positively impact the treatment of Grade IV gliomas. Grade IV gliomas are among the most aggressive and deadly forms of brain cancers, and patients with this form of cancer face a grim prognosis. Only a quarter of newly diagnosed Glioblastoma patients survive for 24 months, and fewer than 10 percent survive more than five years.

Because of its small lipophilic molecular size, NEO100 can permeate the Blood-Brain-Barrier and therefore allow delivery of itself or a combinatorial therapeutic directly to a tumor site.


How is NEO100 Administered?

Since our clinical trial and research has demonstrated that NEO100 potentially permeates across the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB), three forms of delivery can be used to administer NEO100 or any of its conjugates.

Internasal Delivery – NEO100 can be delivered intranasal through the trigeminal pathway to bypass the BBB. This ability allows NEO100 to be used for local targeted delivery to the brain eliminating the issues associated with oral and intravenous delivery methods.

Permeable BBB Delivery – Since NEO100 is a small, lipophilic (fat-soluble) molecule, it can permeate the BBB which primarily targets the restriction of entry for large molecule substances (pathogens, viruses) and water-soluble compounds.

Intra-Arterial Delivery – NEO100 can be delivered intrathecally through a catheter positioned in the arterial pathway which feeds the tumor and is injected into the tumor site where it would be absorbed through the BBB into the tumor.


Mechanism of Action

NeOnc’s continued research has expanded the understanding of how POH works. In pharmacology, this is called the drug’s mechanism of action (MOA), which refers to the specific biochemical interaction through which a drug substance produces its pharmacological effect. An MOA generally describes the specific molecular targets to which the drug binds, such as enzymes or receptors, and how those receptor sites’ resultant actions have a specific effect that can impact the targeted disease.

The potential MOA of NEO100 is shown below: