Howard Bailey, MD
Scientific Advisory Board Member

Howard Bailey is the Director of the University of Wisconsin (UW) Carbone Cancer Center and a professor of Medicine and Obstetrics & Gynecology at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. His clinical expertise is in sarcomas and gynecologic malignancies and his research focus is in anti-cancer agent development, especially agents to prevent cancer.
As the Director for the Carbone Cancer Center, which is comprised of members from eight schools and 38 departments within the UW-Madison campus , Howard has ultimate responsibility for the academic activities of center as well as management of resources and supervision of personnel. He also oversees cancer-related philanthropy, cancer-related initiatives, and UW Health’s Cancer Service Line.
Howard is the principal investigator of the UW Chemoprevention Consortium, an NCI-sponsored research network of universities that conduct Phase I and II clinical trials for chemopreventive agents and also leads the Carbone Cancer Center Chemoprevention Scientific Program and Chemoprevention Disease Orientated Team. In addition to his cancer care and research, Howard has been a strong advocate for building health care research networks across the state and region. He has held positions with and continues to lead various national cancer organizations. This includes a decade of reviewing other NCI-designated Cancer Centers on behalf of the National Cancer Institute and being the current Chair of the Directors Committee of the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium.
Howard is the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s expert on drug and nutrient development for the prevention or treatment of cancer and a national expert on chemoprevention. He is internationally recognized as an expert in chemoprevention and sarcoma and has lectured both in the United States and abroad. Dr. Bailey has directed or participated in more than 100 cancer clinical trials examining agents for prevention or treatment of cancer.
Howard received his MD from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Grand Forks, in North Dakota. He completed his residency at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan and his fellowship in medical oncology at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics in Madison, Wisconsin. He also perfomed his research fellowship at the UW Comprehensive Cancer Center in Madison, Wisconsin.